Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spouting Horn, Polihale, and Mai Tai Hour

Day one in Kauai brought me to remote Polihale beach. Thank god we had a Jeep because the "road" to the actual beach was a real adventure! When we made it there we were with about 25 other people on a beautiful sandy white beach with prehistoric looking cliffs as the background. The surf was fantastic. I had a pretty good wipe out. When I surfaced my swim suit bottom looked like a sand filled diaper! It was a lot of fun! On our way home we stopped at Spouting Horn which is just a hole in the lava that shoots out water when the waves crash in. We made it back to the hotel in time for "Mai Tai Hour" where we had all of the free drinks we could handle while lounging in a hammock near the pool. It was VERY relaxing!

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