Thursday, June 19, 2008


Traveling around the English countryside in a tiny car with 5 full grown adults can be challenging, but the stunning scenery made it all worth it. My brother's deep rumbling voice was occasionally able to penetrate my MP3 player, but for the most part I was able to escape and immerse myself into the rolling hills and the charming villages that we passed by. We spent the night in Bath, a magnificent Georgian town complete with Roman Baths which were totally worth the $20 entry fee. Built in the 1st century, the remarkably intact complex is one of Britain's greatest memorials to the Roman era. It was Britain's first spa! After we explored Bath we headed to Avebury. I have to say that Avebury was a pleasent surprise! The Avebury Stone Circle was awesome, and unlike Stonehenge, you can walk through the circle and touch the stones. Silbury Hill (pictured above) is Europe's largest prehistoric earthwork. Built around 2750 BC, acheologists still can't determine what it was used for. I snapped this picture from the my "first class" seat in the Merkur.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Looks like you are having such a great time! I love reading about your adventures!